Our Services

Mixed Methods Resources ​

·      A/B Testing

·      AEIOU

·      Affinity Diagramming

·      Artifact Analysis

·      Automated Remote Research

·      Backcasting

·      Blockbusting

·      Bodystorming

·      Brand Experience Workshop

·      Bull’s-Eye Diagramming

·      Business Origami

·      Card Sorting

·      Civic Design and Policy

·      Cognitive Mapping

·      Collage

·      Competitive Testing

·      Concept Mapping

·      Content Inventory and Audit

·      Contextual Design

·      Contextual Inquiry

·      Creative Toolkits

·      Critical Incident Technique

·      Crowdsourcing

·      Cultural Probes

·      Customer Experience Audit

·      Data Physicalization



·      Data Visualization

·      Design Charrette

·      Design Ethnography

·      Design Fiction

·      Diary Studies

·      Directed Storytelling

·      Elito Method

·      Ergonomic Analysis

·      Evaluative Research

·      Experience Prototyping

·      Experience Sampling Method

·      Exploratory Research

·      Eyetracking

·      Flexible Modeling

·      Fly on the Wall Observation

·      Generative Research

·      Graffiti Wall Research

·      Heuristic Evaluation

·      Image Boards

·      Kano Analysis

·      KJ Technique

·      Laddering

·      Love Letter and Breakup Letter

·      Parallel Prototyping

·      Parallel Observation

·      Participation Action Research



·      Participatory Method

·      Personal Inventories

·      Personas

·      Picture cards

·      Prototyping

·      Remote Moderated

·      Role-playing

·      Scenario Description Swimlanes

·      Secondary Research

·      Semantic Differential

·      Simulation Exercises

·      Site Search Analytics

·      Speed Dating

·      Stakeholder Maps

·      Stakeholder Walkthrough

·      Storyboard

·      Task Analysis

·      Thematic Networks

·      Think-Aloud Protocol

·      Triading

·      Usability Testing

·      Value Opportunity Analysis

·      Web Analystics

·      Weighted Matrix

·      Wizard of Oz

·      Word Clouds

Research Utilization Unit (RUU)

Statistics Services

    • To help students and faculty in identifying appropriate statistical tools for their research, processing research data, and guiding them in writing and interpreting the results.
    • To standardize the statistical service given to students and researchers regarding statistical fees and making sense of data.







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