The University of Santo Tomas and Fondazionne Gravissimum Educationis in cooperation with the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) and the Teacher Education Council (TEC) of the Department of Education will conduct the “TECOVID-19 Colloquy Series on Understanding 21st Century Democracy: A Call for Teacher Agency” from August 2020 to January 2021 via the UST Cloud Campus.
The series is divided into three strands, namely:
Strand 1: Understanding Democracy as a Human Enterprise
Strand 2: Embracing Democracy as Educational Commitment
Strand 3: Doing Service Learning as a way to democratize Philippine Society
It will describe the nature, role, and processes of democracy that shape human affairs; discuss how education serves as a vehicle in advancing democracy and its underlying processes; and apply principles of service learning as education’s proactive contribution to strengthen democracy. The audience for the series are Master Teachers in Social Studies, Regional Supervisors, and Democracy Local Antenna Units in 13 Countries.
Click link to view the webinar
TECOVID-19 Colloquy Series on Understanding 21st Century Democracy: A Call for Teacher Agency