The Teacher Education Council (TEC) of the Department of Education (DepEd) and the University of Santo Tomas, Research Center for Social Sciences and Education (RCSSED) will be holding the 4th installment of their webinar series on “TECOVID-19 Colloquy Series: Understanding Teacher Education Noticing Behavior During COVID-19 Pandemic- Mindfulness, Decision-Making, and Adaptation”,  on October 03, 2020, from 9:00 – 11:30 am and from 1:30 – 4:00 pm, via the UST Cloud Campus.
The morning session will feature Dr. Jerome T. Buenviaje, Dean of the College of Education of the University of the Philippines – Diliman who will speak about “Redesigning Schools for Stronger Relationship”.  In the afternoon session, Dr. Carmela C. Oracion, the Executive Director of the Center for Educational Development and Assistant to the University President for Basic Education of the Ateneo de Manila University will talk about “Expanding Learning Time”.

Deans and heads of the various schools and colleges of Education across the country are invited to attend.  For more information, contact the Teacher Education Secretariat at