The Philippines is not short of brilliant and patriotic researchers who are willing to study, do research, and use such knowledge for national development. However, lack of funding and support is a hindrance in maximizing research potentials of both seasoned and budding researchers in the country. For academic researchers it is a constant struggle to obtain funding. They wonder how they can pursue more relevant and impactful research when research is not even a priority in their institutions. Our next webinar session this coming Saturday, December 05, 2020, is a conversation on this important issue.
Undersecretary for Research and Development Rowena Cristina L. Guevara, Ph.D. of Department of Science and Technology will key note the third session of our four-day colloquy series “Researching the Researchers for the 21st Century: Needs, Challenges, and Productivity” and will speak on the topic “Research Grants and Funding Opportunities.” Selected established/leading researchers from different universities/institutions and research areas will also share experiences and insights on their research activities.
The UST Research Center for Social Sciences and Education (RCSSEd) makes this event possible through the efforts of research associates of UST Assoc. Prof. Rene Luis M. Tadle, M.A., Prof. Belinda V. De Castro, Ph.D., Prof, Allan B. De Guzman, Ph.D., and Asst. Prof. Les Paul M. Valdez, RN, MAN in partnership with Asst. Prof. Dorothy Joann Lei O. Labrador, Ph.D. and Prof. Fredegusto Guido David, PhD. from Ateneo de Zamboanga University and University of the Philippines-Diliman respectively. The team is currently researching on the needs, challenges, and productivity of Filipino faculty researchers from Philippine Higher Education Research Network (PHERNet) and Higher Education Regional Research Center (HERCC) Institutions. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) funds this project.
This event is held in cooperation with the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) Division 1.
The webinar series, via the UST Cloud Campus platform, is scheduled on four (4) consecutive Saturdays of which its first session was launched last November 21, and the second session took place last November 28.