There are lots of challenges in managing research programs and projects. How to ensure that researchers with diverse personalities, perspectives, and opinions will work cohesively and productively as a team constitutes a perennial problem among program and project leaders. No researcher is completely prepared to handle all these. In reality, understanding the scientific rigors of research is not enough to guarantee successful implementation of research plans and activities.
The seminar, scheduled on December 12, 2020, addresses research management related issues and concern and how to overcome them.
Prof. Eva Maria Cutiongco-De La Paz, M.D., will keynote the fourth and final session of our four-day colloquy series “Researching the Researchers for the 21st Century: Needs, Challenges, and Productivity”. Specifically, her address will focus on the topic “Managing Research Programs”. Dr. De la Paz is a professor from the University of the Philippines-Manila and at present the Executive Director of National Institutes of Health and Director of the Health Program of Philippine Genome Center.
Moreover, selected leading researchers in the country–Prof. Raymond Girard R. Tan, Ph.D. (Natural Science, De La Salle University), Dr. Jaime C. Montoya (Health Science, Philippine Council for Health Research and Development), Prof. Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo, Ph.D. (Social Science, Ateneo de Manila University), and Prof. José S. Buenconsejo, Ph.D. (Humanities, University of the Philippines-Diliman) — will share their experiences and insights on research as well.
The UST Research Center for Social Sciences and Education (RCSSEd) makes this event possible through the efforts of research associates of UST Assoc. Prof. Rene Luis M. Tadle, M.A., Prof. Belinda V. De Castro, Ph.D., Prof, Allan B. De Guzman, Ph.D., and Asst. Prof. Les Paul M. Valdez, RN, MAN in partnership with Asst. Prof. Dorothy Joann Lei O. Labrador, Ph.D. and Prof. Fredegusto Guido David, PhD. from Ateneo de Zamboanga University and University of the Philippines-Diliman respectively. The team is currently researching on the needs, challenges, and productivity of Filipino faculty researchers from Philippine Higher Education Research Network (PHERNet) and Higher Education Regional Research Center (HERCC) Institutions. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) funds this project.
This event is held in cooperation with the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) Division 1.
For those faculty researchers who are interested to join us, you may email us at for more details. Again, this webinar is FREE OF CHARGE.
We look forward seeing you this Saturday!