The UST Research Center on Social Sciences and Education (RCSSED) congratulates research associate Asst. Prof. Veronico N. Tarrayo, Ph.D. for his recent publications.
Asst. Prof Tarrayo along with co-authors Ms. Rafaella R. Potestades and Mr. Mark B. Ulla, published “Exploring the gender perspective in English language teaching (ELT): Voices from ELT practitioners in Philippine Higher Education Institutions” in the Sexuality and Culture, a Scopus indexed journal by Springer.
Also, Asst. Prof. Tarrayo with co-authors Mr. Philippe Jose S. Hernandez, MEng and Asst. Prof. Judith Ma. Angelica S. Claustro, Meng published “Teachers and research practices: Perspectives from English language educators in a Philippine university” in the Australian Journal of Teacher Education, a Clarivate and Scopus indexed journal by Social Science Press.
Congratulations and we are truly proud of you!