The literature in educational research reveals disparities in how academics view their academic roles. Through semi-structured interviews, this study explores how a group of 53 Philippine higher education academics view themselves as doctoral academics and their roles in academic publishing. Overall, doctoral academics (which, in the present study, refers to academics who hold doctoral degrees) play important roles both in classroom teaching and in academic publishing. Thematic analysis of interview responses indicated that doctoral academics in Philippine higher education institutions (HEIs) ascribed to two general roles: as teachers and researchers. In terms of academic publishing, it was found that doctoral academics fulfil four key roles: producers of new knowledge, research mentors and collaborators, expert reviewers of scholarly articles, and prime-movers of social change. This study includes implications for policy-making and curriculum development with respect to research pedagogy and academic publishing in Philippine HEIs. [Indexed in Scopus Q2] – by research associate Dr. Veronico Tarrayo and colleagues