Engaging in research helps teachers improve their own classroom practices. However, there remains to be some dichotomy between teaching and research, even in the context of universities. This study aimed to uncover university teachers’ perceptions on the benefits and challenges in doing research, as well as their own research practices and the academic environment they are in. A group of 22 English language teachers participated in semi-structured online interviews. Thematic analysis of interview answers revealed that both personal and professional considerations permeated the issues on benefits, challenges, and practices, corroborating or contradicting previous studies. The participants likewise highlighted enabling and hindering factors concerning research engagements in their own university context and even proffered points for improvement. The study concludes that many teachers have engaged and want to engage in research, but variations can be seen in their level of engagement, exposure to research, and reasons for engaging in such endeavor. [Indexed in Scopus, Q2] – http://apssr.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/RA-6.pdf