The University of Santo Tomas, Research Center for Social Sciences and Education (RCSSED) and the Fondazionne Gravissimum Educationis, in cooperation with the Teacher Education Council (TEC) of the Department of Education, will be holding the third segment of the webinar series on “Understanding 21st Century Democracy” with the subtheme “Doing Service Learning as a Way to Democratize Philippine Society”, on January 09, 2021, from 10:00 am – 12:00 nn, via the UST Cloud Campus.
The session will feature Prof. Mark Anthony Abenir, DSD, from the School of Social Sciences of the Ateneo de Manila University who will talk about the integrated service-learning sociological framework as a means to build a democratic society.
Master teachers in social studies, regional supervisors, and democracy local antenna units from 13 countries are invited to attend. For more information, contact the Democracy Secretariat at

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