The UST Research Center for Social Sciences and Education (RCSSED) just launched an online certificate program on teaching controversial issues and digital literacy for public school teachers.

This three-month certificate program is training 20 high school teachers on teaching digital literacy and social issues, the latter covering the role of citizens and of teachers in fostering democratic citizenship.

By the end of the certificate program, the 20 teachers coming from nine regions will make an instructional plan to teach controversial issues anchored on online tools, these being fitting to current flexible learning arrangements. All teacher-participants come from the public schools system.

This certificate program began last May 22 and will end on August 7. 

Some UST faculty members will mentor participants on digital literacy, while “democracy mentors” from universities in the United States, United Kingdom, Singapore and the Philippines will handle topics related to teaching controversial issues.

The program is among the projects in RCSSED’s funded project with Fondazione Gravissimum Educationis, a foundation under the aegis of The Vatican. The foundation is implementing a 14-country project titled “Democracy: an educational urgency in pluricultural and pluri-religious contexts,” which aims to promote democratic citizenship to teachers and to Catholic universities.

UST is one of two universities from Asia involved in the three-year project. Universities in the Fondazione Gravissimum Educationis project are called “antennas.”

RCSSED is handling the project led by Local Antenna Coordinator Dr. Allan De Guzman, RCSSED Director Dr. Belinda de Castro and research associate Dr Joel Adamos.