RCSSED is also proud to announce another new PhD holder – Asst. Prof. Pia Patricia P. Tenedero, with a doctoral degree in Linguistics from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
Asst. Prof. Pia is a member of the UST Department of English and researcher in RCSSED. When she first joined RCSSED in 2013, her first publication examined the English skills that audit firms considered in hiring new accountants. Her PhD thesis extends this inquiry through a critical sociolinguistic ethnography of communication in globalized accounting. Having examined views and practices of communication across the accounting education-profession continuum, her research offers new understanding of what is considered ‘effective’ communication in the growing field of outsourced accounting services. Besides communication in accounting, she is also interested in multilingualism in migration contexts and in English language learning in Catholic missionary work, which is her next project under UST-RCSSED.
Congratulations on successfully completing your PhD, Asst. Prof. Pia Patricia P. Tenedero!
Check out her blogposts about her research and PhD journey in https://www.languageonthemove.com/10-secrets-to-surviving-your-phd/ and https://www.languageonthemove.com/communicating-globally-while-working-remotely/.