RCSSED Research Associate and UST’s top researcher Dr. Allan de Guzman presented the Philippine findings of a multi-year study on democracy, citizenship and education at a three-day conference at The Vatican

RCSSED Research Associate and UST’s top researcher Dr. Allan de Guzman presented the Philippine findings of a multi-year study on democracy, citizenship and education at a three-day conference at The Vatican. The conference and the Philippine study are part of a multi-year, multi-country research project organized by Fondazione Gravissimus Educationis (Article Link). Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUVKaOoG14o […]

Center congratulates former Research Associate Ronald M. Castillo

The Center congratulates former Research Associate Ronald M. Castillo for commencing his doctoral studies (Asia Pacific Studies) at the National Chengchi University in Taiwan. Asst. Prof. Castillo got a scholarship from the Taiwan Economic Cooperation Office (TECO). – https://www.roc-taiwan.org/ph_en/post/6465.html.

New PhD holder – Asst. Prof. Pia Patricia P. Tenedero

RCSSED is also proud to announce another new PhD holder – Asst. Prof. Pia Patricia P. Tenedero, with a doctoral degree in Linguistics from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. Asst. Prof. Pia is a member of the UST Department of English and researcher in RCSSED. When she first joined RCSSED in 2013, her first publication examined the […]

Congratulations to Asst. Prof. Jeremaiah M. Opiniano

He is a faculty member of UST Department of Communication and Media Studies and a researcher of RCSSED. Jeremaiah did a mixed methods study on overseas remittances and rural hometown investing in two Philippine municipalities (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/351664823_Overseas_Remittances_and_Rural_Home_Town_Investing_in_Two_Philippine_Municipalities_Towards_an_Understanding_of_the_Migration-and-Local_Development_Nexus). Writing scholarly journal articles, presenting research findings in digestible forms to stakeholders in his project’s research sites (San Nicolas, Ilocos […]

Appointment of Prof. Allan B. de Guzman, PhD as the co-editor of Educational Gerontology, a Scopus-indexed Q2 journal by Taylor and Francis Online

The UST-Research Center for Social Sciences and Education (RCSSED) is pleased to announce the appointment of Prof. Allan B. de Guzman, PhD as the co-editor of Educational Gerontology, a Scopus-indexed Q2 journal by Taylor and Francis Online, that publishes researches on gerontology, adult education, and on social and behavioral sciences. Congratulations on your well-deserved success!