Festivals boost the local economy through tourist visits. However, the shortage of theory-building studies in festival studies needs to be addressed empirically. This study aims to conceptualize a model that describes how visitors have become loyal to grand festivals in the Philippines. Following Glaserian grounded theory, 24 repeat Filipino festival goers were interviewed. Field texts were analyzed via open, selective, and theoretical coding procedures to emerge a theoretical model. Interestingly, this study afforded the development of Repeat Visitors’ Festival Loyalty Theory that consists of four unique but interlocking phases of victimization, vitalization, valuation, and volition. Implications of the study’s findings and recommendations were also discussed.
– https://doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2020.1871045 [The journal Anatolia is indexed in Scopus (Q2, Earth-Surface Processes and Geography, Planning and Development) and in Clarivate Analytics’ Emerging Sources Citation Index]; by Research Associate Dr. Allan de Guzman and colleagues.