GCRF Family Literacy Team of the University of Santo Tomas

The GCRF Family Literacy Team of the University of Santo Tomas, in partnership with the Internationalization Unit of the UST Graduate School, the Research Center for Social Sciences and Education (RCSSED), the Asia-Pacific Dominican Promoters of Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation, and the UNESCO Chair in Adult Literacy and Learning for Social Transformation,is going to conduct a series of e-fora (September 3, 2020, September 17, 2020, & […]

TECOVID-19 Colloquy Series on Understanding 21st Century Democracy: A Call for Teacher Agency

The University of Santo Tomas and Fondazionne Gravissimum Educationis in cooperation with the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) and the Teacher Education Council (TEC) of the Department of Education will conduct the “TECOVID-19 Colloquy Series on Understanding 21st Century Democracy: A Call for Teacher Agency” from August 2020 to January 2021 via the […]

TECOVID-19 Colloquy Series: Understanding Teacher Education Noticing Behavior During COVID-19 Pandemic- Mindfulness, Decision-Making, and Adaptation

TECOVID-19 Colloquy Series: Understanding Teacher Education Noticing Behavior During COVID-19 Pandemic- Mindfulness, Decision-Making, and Adaptation from August to October 2020 via the UST Cloud Campus.  The series will provide understanding on how the COVID-19 pandemic is shaping and reshaping the ontological, epistemological and axiological directions and attributes of today’s higher education delivery in most parts […]