RCSSED’s very own Dr. Allan de Guzman is the top Thomasian scientist –and 49th in the country– in the latest rankings of the Alper-Doger Scientific Index. The AD Scientific Index, says its website, is “using the total and last 5 years’ values of the i10 index, h-index, and citation scores in Google Scholar. In addition, the ratio of the last 5 years’ value to the total value of the above-mentioned indexes is used.” Around 1,053 Filipino scientists / researchers are included in this Index. (The top Filipino scientist in this Index is Physicist Jan Mickelle Maratas of the Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology, who is 5,700th worldwide).
Prof. Allan de Guzman is co-editor in chief of the journal Educational Gerontology. Among his fields of study include: gerontology, Teacher Education, leadership studies, curriculum and instruction, nursing, and tourism and hospitality, among others.
[Note: Researchers in the arts and humanities may be largely underrepresented in this Index. This Index covers scientists whose GMail accounts are registered with Google Scholar.]
UST’s top 37 scientists in this index can be found here: https://www.adscientificindex.com/…